Juan    ID: 1505610

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Age:  27
Birth Date:  09/03/1997
Horoscope Sign:  Pisces
Height:  164
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  College
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Advanced
Other languages:
Residence:  Beijing, China
Date the member of your dreams: Asian member Juan from Beijing
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I'm a funny, smart, open, loyal girl. My father pased away when I was very young, leaving us his reial estate coimpany and a large amount of propierty. Under my mother's management, the ciompany has developed very well. Now we still have ten pieces of land to be z developed. I also own a media coimpany, and I have over twenty Interneit celebrities in my coimpany, and I always invite them to my villa for poiol parties. Sometimes we go out on a yacht. Are you a party person? I long for romance, loive and a reial life. I'm a reialist, no games, no lies.
I have many hobbies, golf, painting, parties, triaveling. I loive traiveling, I have beien to many contries, I hope to traivel around the world with my triue loive in the future. Could you be the one? I have an izdea abiout overseas inveestment for z a long time. Can you heilp me? I can even paiy you five milion a mointh, hehe. Oh, I can giive my liover everything I have, because we will all be a family in the end. I want to start a family, we can live a carefree life, can you do your best to heilp me? I'm looking forward to z your reply.
Her Type of Man:
I want my man to be open-minded. I want someone who will actually meiet us. I like a sense of humor and responsibility of men, loive me and know how to respect me, honest men, I izdon't care aboiut the age difference, but must be loyal to me. Because I'll be loyal, too. We are serious and sincere in our search for my other half for the rest of our lives. I'm loyal tooy you. As a mischievous seexy womian, I will maike me feel the greatest joy in the beedroom. If you are interested in me, please contaact me and we will start a sincere romantic relationshzip. I zdon't like pliayboiys. I zdon't like lies. I'm waiting here for you . I'm here waiting for you to take me toz your house.
Most gorgeous profiles: Juan, Asian member

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