RunLian     ID: 1506782

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Age:  48
Birth Date:  16/05/1976
Horoscope Sign:  Taurus
Height:  162
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  University degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Widow
Drinking:  Socially
English Speaking Skills*:  Advanced
Other languages:
Residence:  Zhengzhou, China
Date the member of your dreams: lone Asian member RunLian from Zhengzhou
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
i describe myself asz a kind , warm heart , easying going and tender woman i used to be very nice to people around me , my family memebers , my freinds , my wokers and even the stangers that is my nature lol!! now i run two beauty salon and three plastic surgery hospitals in china i wanna spend most of my time with the one i lozve in the future,as for me , family members are always the most imporant part in my life, and i think that i am always the family oriented woman instead of a harzd working sucessful busineszs woman
i lizke help people, i used to the volunteer work,donate to bulding the shcools in the village. i am willing to help those people in trouble when i becozme sucessful.i lizke cooking and baking,i lizke stay at home with my man and cooking together,i alos dancing a lot,the latin dance , cause i think that i am a very pazssionate woman,i do not lzike running , cause my brzeastes are too big to running ,
Her Type of Man:
the god take my husnband away from me , i thnink that no man in this world loove me my daughters is grow up,i think it is time for me to looking for my happinezss and find my lozve, and i am ready for a new long term romantic relationship now .i have no worries about my businezss , cause everything runs very well so far and i wish that i can find a man who is willing to enjoy this kind of simple life with me , cooking together , sleeping together , talking together , caress each zother,sharing the happinezss and sadnezss together.hope he is an openmined man , good temper ,never throw the angry on me and being sweet to me and respect me.
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